One of the well-known tanning products offered by California Tan is its line of tanning lotion.

California Tan Lotion: Moisturized and Tanned at the same time A healthy skin is important in order to get a beautiful tan. This is because tanning products tend to stick better on moisturized skin rather than on dry skin. And one of the easiest and proven ways of obtaining a moisturized skin is by applying lotion on your skin. Once the skin is moisturized then that is the only time that tanning products may be applied.

However would it be better if you could have your skin moisturize and tanned at the same time? Fortunately, there is such type of lotion and it is offered by California Tan. The tanning lotion provides sunless tanning so you won't have to fear getting your skin damaged by the sun. How does it work? The tanning lotion will temporarily dye the top layer of your skin providing it with a tanned look.

California Tan tanning lotion is capable of giving a week long tan but if the lotion is reapplied the tanning effect will last even longer. The California Tan lotion is much better than suntans, which permanently damage the skin and usually starts fading after couple of days.

California Tan lotion has moisturizing ingredients so you will not fear having dry and flaky skin. The lotion also protects your skin's moisture level by helping the pores to open, magnifying light absorption, which helps you to obtain deeper and more lasting tan.

Applying Tanning Lotion the Proper Way The correct application of Tanning lotion can help to make it last longer. Here are some tips on how to apply tanning lotion:

1) Purchase California Tan lotion that comes in either cream or spray, which are perfect for an even application.

2) Test the lotion on a small area of your skin to see if any allergic reactions will occur.

3) Make use of a loofah to scrub off the dead skin before applying the tanning lotion on your skin.

4) Apply tanning lotion thoroughly on your skin but give extra attention to the back of your elbows, knees, ankles and tan lines.

5) Wipe off the excess tanning lotion in order to avoid an uneven tan.

6) Always wash your hands with soap and water after applying lotion.

7) Refrain from getting your skin wet for at least 15 minutes.