A third option is to adopt internationally. Children are available for adoption in over fifty foreign countries. These children have been put for adoption for a variety of reasons, often linked to the nation or culture in which their parents live. In South Korea, for example, unwed mothers are looked upon shamefully, so would-be single moms often put their infant up for adoption. Often these children are living in orphanages, just waiting for someone to adopt them. The process of adopting from abroad can be a tedious one, but there are agencies and attorneys that will facilitate the process.

No matter which option is right for a certain individual, one theme remains the same: there are children who need to be adopted. From infancy to adolescence, both at home and overseas, there are children who are without families. For prospective birth parents who do not have the means to raise a child, and for people looking to start a family, adoption is a solution to be considered. If you or someone you know is thinking of adopting and would like some more information, some good online resources include Adoption.com and Adopting.org, both of which are aimed at providing information on adoption to pertinent parties. AdoptableKids.com is an online adoption exchange where one can search and browse photo listings of hundreds of kids currently waiting to be adopted.