But once inside the booth, the whole tanning process is usually simple and quick in fact could take up for less than a minute or so. And the booth is also very private meaning that there are no strangers watching you while you get undressed. This is also the very reason why first time users have to be taught on how to use the booth since nobody will assist them inside.

California Tan also makes use of a surface bronzer, which allows users to obtain a quick tanning result. But for a more lasting tan at least eight hours is needed in order for the tanning solution to stick on the skin.

How to Achieve a Lasting Tan California Tan is basically self-tanning which means that personal preparation is very important. Here are some tips on how to achieve lasting tan:

1. It is very important that before you proceed with the tanning procedures it is better if you exfoliate your skin to remove the dead skin cells. In case you don't have exfoliating products with you then ask from the tanning salon if they have one that you can use.

2. Don't forget to apply moisturizer on your skin. Dry skin compared to moisturized skin does not absorb tanning products effectively. Plus, dry skin often leads to the appearance of dark patches especially after the application of self-tanning lotions.

3. You should give your knees, nails, knuckles, feet and elbows with great attention since these are the parts of your body that absorbs a great part of the tanning solution. It would be best to apply barrier cream just to even out the distribution of the tanning solution of the abovementioned parts.

4. Refrain from showering or taking a bath after your tanning session. If possible wait for at least eight hours just to give the tan solution enough time to really stick on your skin.

5. Perspiration may also cause your tan to get washed off your skin so as much as possible avoid tiring yourself.

6. Once your skin is completely dry then that would be the best time for you to apply moisturizer to help your tan to last longer.