Byte by Byte My Netizens, Byte by Byte

Like the Roman caesar Hadrian once said while building the Roman Empire, brick by brick my citizens, brick by brick, the same concept can be applied to starting and building an online busiess. However, one can add a little twist to it and apply it to online business to say byte by byte my netizens, byte by byte.

What does that mean?


starting an online business, building an online business

Article Body:

Like the Roman caesar Hadrian once said while building the Roman Empire, brick by brick my citizens, brick by brick, the same concept can be applied to starting and building an online busiess. However, one can add a little twist to it and apply it to online business to say byte by byte my netizens, byte by byte.

What does that mean?

With the monumental task of building the Roman Empire, one can be sure that Hadrian offered those words to the roman citizens as a way of telling them not to focus too much on the big picture but rather look at it in a way that it can be accomplished and that would be simply brick by brick. One can imagine that the size of the task would be large enough to make most say, no way, it cannot be done!

The same holds true with the momumental task of starting and building an online business. There are many things, some easy, some complicated, that one must accomplish before they are prepared to successfully launch and build an online business.

For smaller operations where individuals have to wear all of the hats, the amount of information they have to deal with generally can result in burn out or simply put, information overload. One can focus too much on the big picture and then feel overwhelmed by it all. Again, the thought would be , no way, it cannot be done.

The fact that we are now living in the information era also adds to the problem. It has gotten to the point where there is just way too much information being offered to people all at once for the average individual to be able to deal with effectively.

So what can be done to help start and build your e-business in smaller more manageable chunks?

The following are some guidelines that can help you build it byte by byte:

1) Make a whole hearted commitment to complete all of your daily tasks:

Before you begin your day’s work make a commitment to yourself that you will complete what is necessary and avoid what is not. Do not approach your work with a wishy washy attitude such as I will try to get it done and if not, oh well! That attitude is an surefire ingredient for failure.

Instead say to yourself I will complete my tasks not matter what it takes! Above all else stick to your commitment or don’t make it in the first place. Come back and make it when you can.

2) Prioritize Your Tasks:

After you have made a commitment and are ready to start work on your business, know beforehand the things that you want to accomplish and place them in order of importance. Above all else when working on your tasks, do not move onto the next one unless you absolutely must until you have completed the current task. If not, you can be certain that things will tend to get lost and forgotten about.

3) Stay focused:

It is recommended that you write your daily tasks down and keep them in front of you where they are easily seen at all times. This will help you stay focused on the subject matter at hand and keep you from drifting to things that are not related directly to the work you are doing.

4) Excute:

Once your commitment has been made and you have written down your prioritized tasks, simply go to work and get the job done! Do not allow anything to get in your way of completing your tasks. That anything can be certain fears you may have about the possible outcome of a certain task. Do not allow self-induced fears turn into mental monsters! Reign in the monsters and just get the job done!

It is a known fact that most day to day tasks take less time to actually do then the amount of time people spend negatively thinking about them. So do not think too much about it! Just execute…execute…excute!

5) Do not allow yourself to get overwhelmed:

With the amount of tasks that seem to have a need to get done all at once, it is no wonder why many fail. There is one feeling that will defeat a good spirit and that is the feeling of being overwhelmed. If you feel yourself getting to that point, stop and take a walk or do whatever it is that will help you take your mind off of your work. Remind yourself with a good feeling that when all is done you will be that much closer to obtaining your goals but most importantly just simply relax your mind.

Finally, if you are brand new or have been struggling to build an online business and the feeling of it being just too much is upon you, know that there is plenty of free help available to you so make sure that you use it. Also remember to apply the above guidelines of making a commitment to complete your daily tasks, prioritizing them, focusing on them, and simply relaxing your mind and that will go a long way in helping you build what you may believe is the un-buildable.

Byte by byte my netizen, byte by byte!