There are two types of bronchitis – acute and chronic. A viral infection is the primary cause why an acute bronchitis develops. It usually arises after a sore throat or cold and last for one to two weeks.

You need to watch out for the following symptoms of acute bronchitis:

? Throbbing Cough – a cough is an abrupt and recurring contraction of the thoracic cavity which produces a distinct sound.

? Runny nose – studies show that a runny nose is a mere irritation to an individual who has acute bronchitis. When you are inflicted with a runny nose, gently blow from your nose.

? Wheezing – there is obscurity in breathing with a distinct wheezing sound.

? Sore throat – this is a pain or scratchiness in one's throat.

? Recurrent headache – this is a condition wherein pain is felt in the head. Sometimes pain can be felt in the neck or upper back.

? Chills – with this condition you may feel cold with quivering and paleness. There are instances that chills are accompanied by a sudden increase in temperature in the body.

? Slight fever – sometimes termed as "pyrexia," wherein there is a raise in the temperature of your body. A fever is considered slight or low grade if it falls between 38 to 39 °C.

? Malaise – this is a general term to describe an individual's uneasiness, fatigue or ill health.

? Back pain – this is a condition where there is the presence of soreness in the back area which occur from the bones, nerves, muscles or joints.

? Muscle pain – medically termed as "myalgia," wherein there is soreness in the muscles in your body.

Chronic bronchitis is the other type of the said illness. Compared to acute, when an individual has chronic bronchitis it denotes that the he has too much phlegm in the air passageway causing a successive and prolific cough. After three months of successive and prolific cough and other related symptoms, then you are most likely positive for a chronic bronchitis.

The above-mentioned symptoms of acute bronchitis are also applicable for chronic bronchitis; however the symptoms are more severe. Apart from the above-mentioned symptoms, here are the distinct symptoms of chronic bronchitis:

? Cyanosis – it is a condition wherein the skin turns into a bluish color. The bluish color is due to the presence of "deoxygenated hemoglobin" in the vessels of your blood.

? Edema – it is a condition where an organ or tissue swells because of excessive fluid in the lymph. Feet and ankles are the most common sites for edema to occur.

? Heart failure – it is a condition where there is function disorder in the cardiac which results to the inability of heart to pump adequate amount of blood throughout the body.

? Clubbed fingers – it is a condition associated with heart and lung problems wherein the fingers and fingernails are deformed.

? Dyspnea – it is a condition where you will experience difficulty and shortness in breathing.

? Shortness of breathing due to exertion (exercising or overworking)

? Too much airway mucus secretion

? Abnormal lung signs

? Repeated infections in the lungs and respiratory tract

There are some symptoms of bronchitis which resembles other respiratory problems. With this regard, it is best to consult with your physician to identify if you are indeed suffering from either acute or chronic bronchitis. Your physician will then assess your medical history as well as evaluate the physical exam he will do. To further assess the condition, other tests may be prescribed by your physician.

An ordinary cough or cold should not be taken for granted; it must be cured as soon as possible to prevent other severe illnesses such as bronchitis to occur. You are one unfortunate individual if you will be inflicted with chronic bronchitis since there you will have to undergo long-term treatment. Medical studies show that there is no cure for chronic bronchitis.