Although adults like to receive gifts, many will readily forego the


It was very humorous, as parents once related how on Christmas Day when

their child opened a Christmas gift and was pleased, they pretended to be a bit

saddened that Santa Claus didn't bring them any Christmas present. The child

responded, 'Because you bad mummy and daddy. You make me stand in corner.'

Toys are therefore a significant part of Christmas. Parents go all out for

children, they make the extra effort to give children something really special

such as what the child wishes, desires or longs for. It may be a toy such as a

particular type of doll, a dream dollhouse or an item like a bike or train set,

or motorized vehicle. The fun of getting a toy at Christmas begins earlier for

children as they start to make their wish list and anticipate getting one or

more of what they desire.

For teenagers, the most desired toy may not be a toy in the real sense of

the word. A toy, in today's casual speech, can mean a favorite gadget such as an

ultra-stylish cell phone, an iPod, MP3 player, electronic organizer or even a


Toy sales at Christmas play a major role in the economics of retailers in the

toy industry. Toy makers use the Christmas season to release new and updated

products with the hope of capturing a significant slice of the billions of

dollars that consumers spend during the holidays.

The strategy among toy makers has been to release a new product that hope will

be the 'must-have' toy for the season. Consequently, they try to create buzz

about the product and have a specific release date, all with the hope that

parents and other consumers will clamor for the item and even make it sold-out

or hard to obtain as the season progresses. Such driving demand can easily

justify a spike in the price of the item.

Toys have also evolved beyond dolls, trains and cars to be very

interactive and educational. The popularity of educational toys and the presence

of increased technology have combined to produce many toys that are highly


Receiving a toy as a gift at Christmas can play an important role in

creating a lasting memory. When a child gets the right toy - one that is highly

desired or is surprised by a wonderful toy - he or she will remember the feeling

it brought for a lifetime and recall it whenever there's talk of which Christmas

was a favorite. It also helps to create a tradition as the child becomes an

adult nd wants to recapture a similar feeling by seeking to do the same for his

or her own child.

Then, there are the children with a wish list that's basically a hope to get

something, any toy at Christmas. Many companies, businesses, churches and social

organizations arrange to have members donate new and age appropriate toys that

are distributed to children in need. Putting a smile on the faces of those

children will create warm memories about Christmas and Santa Claus for them. And

by participating in a charitable effort, the donors are themselves Santa Claus

and spreaders of goodwill and cheer that embody the meaning of Christmas.