Do You Have The Millionaire Mind?


I just finished reading T. Harv Eker’ s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. I searched for the book and couldn’t find it in our bookstores, so I went to and got a copy. I was astounded when the book arrived–-in a dust jacket, signed by the author.

OK. I’m an author and I sign a lot of books, but when I see signed books from other writers, I really treasure them. I have a whole shelf, but I digress. I really want you to know what a great book Secrets of the ...


book, review, millionaire, T. Harv Eker, marketing

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I just finished reading T. Harv Eker’ s Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. I searched for the book and couldn’t find it in our bookstores, so I went to and got a copy. I was astounded when the book arrived–-in a dust jacket, signed by the author.

OK. I’m an author and I sign a lot of books, but when I see signed books from other writers, I really treasure them. I have a whole shelf, but I digress. I really want you to know what a great book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is. It teaches you to think in a whole new way.

According to Eker, we’re all programmed as children with attitudes about money. If our mothers said to us, “We can’t afford it,” we tend to go through life with that imprint. Or, we don't think we’re worthy of becoming wealthy. But there are many other scenarios. They all come down to one idea–-we have to open ourselves up to the possibility of money. We have to welcome it and EXPECT it to come to us and it does.


I tested this over the past few weeks since I read the book, and maybe it’s just coincidence, but I’ve made more money this month than usual–-a lot more. AND, I expect it to continue. I’m just here waiting for it.

Here are some quotes from the book that I found most fascinating:

“Leaders earn a heck of a lot more money than followers.”

“There’s nothing wrong with getting a steady paycheck, unless it inerferes with your ability to earn what you’re worth. There’s the rub. It usually does.”

“Rich people believe ‘You can have your cake and eat it too.’ Middle-class people believe ‘Cake is too rich, so I’ll only have a little piece.’ Poor people don’t believe they deserve cake, so they order a doughnut, focus on the hole, and wonder why they have ‘nothing.’”

I don’t know if T. Harv Eker is a genius, but he certainly understands more than just what’s on the surface. You can work hard, pour your life’s blood into your passion, but if you don’t proceed with the intention of getting all that you can, you’ll continue to live hand to mouth until you die.

Pffft!!! to that. Buy the book, and I guarantee that you’ll come away with the same feeling as I did. Perhaps you’ll have a power month, too, which will lead you to another and another. These affirmations are awesome. Just try them for a month, and I know you'll agree.