Following these child safety online rules can prove beneficial and will encourage your child with the proper use of internet. Quite often, the kid’s visit the internet cafes or the chat rooms for playing online games or video games. Encourage your child to use the services that require a login identity. Instruct your child to not give out any personal information like name, phone number or residence address and even the school address.

It is also important that your kids should learn to respect other people who are online and chat with them in a polite language. They should also be informed about the different between the right and wrong and also made aware that internet is not unreal. Tell your kids to respect others property and not copy others work like copying of video games, music videos etc.

Child online safety also states that the kids should not personally meet any of the online people they chat with. Try to explain them that the online people, like them, do not reveal their identity as per the safety rules.

It is very important to tell your child that whatever they see or read on the internet is not always right. You should also inspire them to ask about anything that they feel wrong about. It is very necessary to keep a track of the child’s internet surfing activity.

Installing the computers with the latest software’s will help you do this job easily by monitoring the various sited that are visited by your children With all these child safety online ideas the task of monitoring your child’s actions can be easy.