In case you have a wheel that is non-painted, you have to determine the kind of material that was used in order to use the appropriate cleaner. The treatment of the surface can make considerable difference which should not be disregarded. If you’re not sure about the requirements of different surfaces, you can consult the manual of factories which supplied your car with its wheels.
It is more advisable that you separate your car’s surface washing from cleaning of your wheel. This will lessen or entirely avoid any kind of scratches because the tires and wheels tend to contain large amounts of dirt particles. If you use the same sponge or mitt, you can transfer the particles coming from the wheels to the surface paint of your car which, in turn, may cause scratches.
You have to keep in mind that wheels are the ones that get all the dirt and are considered as one of the dirtiest places of your car therefore, you have to give a more aggressive cleaning attention. If you clean your wheels in a separate manner, you can use a detergent that has a higher concentration which you should not use on the car’s actual surface because it will cause wax removal.
You have to make sure that all parts of the car are removed from the area to be able to effectively clean all parts. Washing the parts separately will give you a more efficient car detailing job. Be sure that you don’t lose the parts that you have removed to be able to put them back in proper places. And, try to remember the way you removed it in order for you to put it back on properly.