Bronchitis itself cannot be cured. What you need to do is treat the symptoms of bronchitis as well as alleviate the discomfort and pain which comes with the symptoms.

These days, there are suggested and prescribed medicines to combat bronchitis.


Antibiotic is used to slow down or destroy the development of bacteria. Recently, medical studies show that Telithromycin is an alternative choice to treat bronchitis.

It is believed that antibiotics help relieve the symptoms which come together with bronchitis such as reducing cough and colds.

There are adverse side effects if your body is not used to taking antibiotics such as irritated stomach, loose bowel movement, and skin irritations and to some extent seizures.


Bronchodilator is a medication which is breath into the mouth to treat bronchitis. This is done to open the bronchial tubes or the air passageway of the lungs. Some of the common brand names of this drug are Ventolin, Albuterol and Primatene.

Such medicine may act to give short or long term effect to the one taking it. Short effects aim to give speedy aid from the discomfort and pain. On the other hand, long-term effects help control and on some cases put off symptoms.

The amount of dosage varies from one patient to the other, depending on the severity of bronchitis. Your physician will prescribe you the proper dosage which you will need.

The possible side effects once this medication was taken may include nervousness, tremors in the muscle, fast heartbeat and queasiness.


Corticosteroids belong to the group of “steroid hormones.” This type of medication is utilized to help the patient suffering from bronchitis breathe easier.

Intake of this drug comes into two different forms. It can be given by mouth or it can be given intravenously.

Use of this medication has long-term side effects such as persistent infections, thinning of the skin, ulcers, and to some extent osteoporosis and cataracts. On the other hand, short-term side effects of Corticosteroids may include increase in weight, mood swings and increase in blood sugar and blood pressure.

This type of medicine should be taken under a direct and close supervision of your doctor.

Cough Suppressants and Expectorants

A cough suppressant is given to individuals who are suffering from bad cough without congestion in their nose. “Dextromethorphan” is an active ingredient of most cough suppressant. Some examples of cough suppressants are Vicks Formula and some Robitussin products.

Over dosage of cough suppressants may result to vomiting, irritated stomach and sleepiness.

Alternatively, cough expectorants works in a way wherein it thins the mucus which blocks air passageway. With cough expectorants, it is uncomplicated for you to cough. “Guaifenisin” is the major ingredients in cough expectorants which come in several brand names.

You may encounter the following side effects upon intake of some cough expectorants which may include vomiting, headache, faintness and skin rashes.

Although cough suppressants and expectorants can be readily bought over-the-counter, it is still best to consult a physician for prescription which will be suited to your condition.


Most physicians prescribe Ibuprofen to alleviate the discomfort and pain experienced by someone who is suffering from the symptoms of bronchitis. Some of the common brand names of Ibuprofen are Advil, Midol and Motrin.

Taking too much of this drug can lead to side effects which may include tight bowel movement, bloating, faintness, anxiety and a feeling of buzzing in the ears.


Mucolytic is a type of medication which liquefies thick mucus so that an individual suffering from bronchitis will have a reduced difficulty in breathing.

Some major types of mucolytics are referred to as “acetlycysteine, carbocisteine, and methylcysteine hydrochloride.”

If you are not attuned with this type of drug, you may develop the common side effects such as abrupt stiffness of the air passageway, fever, vomiting and sleepiness.

There are a wide variety of medicines to treat bronchitis or the symptoms causing the said illness. However, you should not instantly take the said medications without consulting your physician. By doing so, you will avoid possible side effects which can harm your life.