As per the law of nature, women are more beautiful creatures than men and have always tried to enhance their beauty with various remedies irrespective of the remedies being natural or artificial. Since time immemorial women are known to have constantly created or re-created different ways to look more beautiful.


Jewelry, jewellery, fashion jewelry, fashion jewelry, costume jewelry, costume jewellery, Thai jewelry. Necklaces, Bracelets ,Earrings, Rings, Brooches

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As per the law of nature, women are more beautiful creatures than men and have always tried to enhance their beauty with various remedies irrespective of the remedies being natural or artificial. Since time immemorial women are known to have constantly created or re-created different ways to look more beautiful. They used to design, stitch and create their own clothes just to stand out from others. When clothes became mundane, they invented ornaments. The adorned themselves with these fineries and added a dash a glamour with these ornaments to even the simplest of clothes they wore. Right from the stone-age women have indulged themselves in jewelleries. Even in that era, the bond between a woman and jewellery became obvious.


Way before the discovery of precious metals like gold, silver, copper or bronze etc. women knew how to adorn themselves. They used sea-shells, conches and other fine stones and materials to create their jewelleries. The necessity of looking prettier than others paved the way for costume jewellery and it is nothing less than its evolution that these are here now for all to admire. Armed with creativity and imagination jewelers have come up with innumerable designs and countless new types of metals and stones to give variety. The variety in jewelry leaves people astounded as they walk past any jewelry shop. Millions of people admire jewels but because of their high value only very few can actually possess these extravagant ornaments. Ordinary middle class women being deprived of the very expensive jewellery delved into a solution for this problem and thus the concept of costume-jewellery was born.


Earlier costume jewelry was all about semi-precious stones, artificial metals coated with gold and silver polish and other chunks of mirror, stone or patch-works, shells or colorful threads, etc. these jewelleries were designed keeping in mind the middle class and poor women and girls who could not afford to spend much on jewelleries and those women who liked to wear jewelleries properly coordinated with their clothes. Gradually costume jewellery became very popular among women of all walks of life. The designs of costume-jewelleries outdid the traditional jewelleries so much so that people has started preferring costume-jewelleries to the traditional jewelleries. Seeing the popularity of jewelleries, the jewelers decided to merge the two distinct styles. Thus costume jewelleries that we now come across are the amalgamation of traditional stones, precious metals etc. in a modern form. The generation next version of costume jewellery is a perfect modernized blend of fashion, glamour and tradition with of course a tint of diamonds, a generous plating of gold and silver or the more coveted platinum with a dash of dazzling brilliance due to the brand name.


People are now more and more fashion conscious and with the desire to leave an impact in the social circuit are ruling out the repetitive designs. This new breed of fashion conscious people are increasing exponentially; thus creating a huge market not only for costume jewelleries but also for jewellery designing. Costume jewellery is not only designed in accordance with fashion trends but also according to the taste and preferences of the buyers. As for example during weddings, extravagant affairs in many countries and where a great emphasis is put on jewellery. The bride’s jewellery is selected very carefully ensuring that the social status and financial soundness of the bride’s family is reflected conspicuously. Needless to say, that the jewelleries are very carefully co-coordinated with the bride’s trousseau.

Costume jewellery is just the right the thing for every woman for any occasion. It saves money also and gives reason to flaunt the attire as well as adding radiant confidence to the wearer.