Do not stick your head in the ground, so to say, and wait for the mortgage company or bank to get started with the litigation process, because at that time they will not talk to you and you will have to start talking to the lawyer firm and they will not negotiate anything with you but money.
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Here are several items to take care of as soon as possible.
1. Do not ignore the problem at hand. The further you get behind, the more difficult it will be to bring your loan current and the more likely that you may lose your home.
2. Contact your bank or mortgage company as soon as you know that there may be a problem. Banks or mortgage companies do not want your home. Most of them have options to help you through difficult financial issues.
3. Be sure to Open all correspondents and respond to all mail from your bank, Mortgage Company or lender you are affiliated with. The first notices that you may receive will normally offer good information about preventing foreclosure of your property. If you wait later the mail may include notice of pending legal action against you. If you do not open your mail it will not be an excuse in foreclosure court.
4. Be sure you know your mortgage rights. All mortgage companies are different. Find all of your loan documents and read them so that you will know what your lender may do if you can not make your payments on time. Learn about the foreclosure laws in your state and how much time it gives you and your mortgage company to get out of default.
5. Be sure you understand the foreclosure prevention options for your lender. Valuable information about foreclosure prevention options can be found all over the internet just be sure you locate your states local laws.
6. Contact a HUD approved housing counselor that will help you. Your local HUD office will normally fund free or very low cost housing counseling throughout the nation. These counselors can help you understand your options and the laws of your state and organize your finances and represent you in negotiations with your bank if you need their assistance.
7. Spend your money wisely. After your health keeping your house in order should be your first priority. Go over your finances with a fine toothed comb and see where you can change your spending habits and make your mortgage a priority. Look for optional expenses that you can change or even eliminate.
8. Avoid those foreclosure prevention companies, some will take your for a ride. You do not need to pay fees for foreclosure prevention because you can use that money that you would pay them and pay on your mortgage.
Homeowners, that were trying to deal with a large increase in their adjustable rate mortgage payments, got hit with a record number of foreclosure notices. The problem was the worst in the industrial areas of the US. and also in the housing boom areas such as California and Florida. The crisis was the worst sub prime mortgage loans that were provided to people with weak or low credit. It is now spreading to different types of loans. A report showed the number of homeowners who got these foreclosure notices in the in the second quarter hit 65%, up from 58%. The rising defaults in below prime mortgages have risen all over the world. The President and Federal Reserve have tried calm people over the last few weeks. The Federal Reserve bank said they will “act as needed”. Bush has announced that changes in the FHA will help combat the expected wave of foreclosures. The Democrats have criticized President Bush for not going far enough to push more aggressive legislation through Congress. Private economists have warned that the worst slump in the housing industry in the last 16 years could push the economy into a recession. Treasury official have stated that the housing woes are 'far from over'. Surveys have found high levels of loan failure Mortgages rates are up after the three month low. Some have stated that the possibility of a recession is at 40%. The defaults will not peak until the middle of next year. The industry is setting a wave of introductory mortgages that are just now resetting from low rates that were and are just a tease to most. The delinquency rates of sub prime loans have increased more sharply to 14.82% which is up from 13.77%. That has marked the second-highest below prime delinquency rate. The delinquency rate for prime loans with people with outstanding credit has also increased. It rose to 2.73%.
You do not have to lose your home.
Taking care of a foreclosure is a like taking care of a cancer. The sooner you catch it, the better chance of survival you may have. Early on in a default process, borrowers can still come back from the lows quicker so the loan company will not have to take too much trying to get you back in line. As the foreclosure process moves along, the harder it is to get your finances back in order. The bank legal costs that customers are usually charged with will grow. If you try to ignore your financial problems and you lenders' phone calls -- will likely come closer to loosing your home. Lenders are looking to help. Services should be gone over at every step of the process to try to help you stay in your home. The sooner that there is a connection between the lender and the borrower the easier you will be able to work together. Mortgage companies, banks, and investors do not do this out of the kindness of their hearts. They look better from a public relation standpoint and usually cost thousands of dollars less than full foreclosures. Put yourself in the bank's shoes. If a person has missed one or two payments then you know in your state that you are going to be looking at not getting any payments for up to a year and a half. The wheel starts turning once a borrower becomes 16 days late. The mortgage company or bank will try to get in touch with the customer at that point and figure out a way to bring the payment current. After the first payment becomes 30 days late and the next month's payments look to be in jeopardy they will try to collect. In a more serious case, the customer may have already missed two or three payments and owes a couple thousand dollars in lender legal fees. The finance company or bank will still try to arrange a repayment schedule that will work for you and them. Loan modifications go a step further and they are designed for customers that can not afford repayment plans. In a modification, the financial institution actually adjusts the terms of the loan to make it affordable. It may lengthen the schedule or lower the interest rate to cut the monthly payments, or it may roll the past due amount into the loan and re do the new balance so you can pay the additional debt back over time. If the customer has a more serious financial problem, such as a longer-term job loss followed by rehire at another company that pays much less, there are still alternatives. The financial institution may agree to help the borrower get rid of the house via a pre-foreclosure sale. In more dire circumstances, the servicer will agree to a rapid sale. In these sales, the lender lets the borrower sell the house for less than the outstanding loan amount and the bank will take the proceeds and forgive the remaining overage. Banks are willing to do this because they often lose less on these types of deals rather than going through a foreclosure.
Following the same logic, customers should try to renegotiate the best deal they can get. Someone whose property has fallen in value below the mortgage amount because of a neighborhood decline should consider pushing for a short sale or short refinance rather than a repayment plan. Doing it that way, the borrower doesn't pay any more money than necessary. Regardless of the things you do to get out of foreclosure without racking up extensive legal bills and ruining your credit history, are to start working on a solution before their problems get out of hand and you can not help yourself get out of the situation at hand.
With all of that said wouldn't you like to be financially free? If so then follow the link below and let’s get started.