Have you got the online X factor? Does your website have buzz?

I’m not talking about the bees here; I’m talking about excitement, magnetism and energy.

With zillions of websites out there all competing for attention, if your website doesn’t have buzz your visitors will drop in and, within seconds, drop out again and surf off elsewhere. Visitors only stop to read when the page really connects with them, makes them feel energised as well as informed.


marketing, promoting your business, online marketing, website seo,

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What makes a site buzzworthy? It’s hard to quantify, but it’s safe to say that a combination of: -

eye catching design

dynamic page layout

clear navigation

audio clips

news boxes

free give-aways or bonuses

regularly updated pages

quotes and recommendations

as well as great copy, all go together to create a site with the X factor. If your site has buzz, not only will your visitors stay around long enough to find out what you’re offering them, but they will tell others about you too, and this builds your traffic, so you get noticed and it puts you in a great position to get ahead, as well as bringing you an important return on your investment.

Websites that have the greatest marketing successes are buzzworthy, they have that almost indefinable X factor. How do you get the X factor?

Well, buzzworthiness is a bit intangible, but you recognise it sure enough when you see it. A website with the buzz stands out, it makes you feel that the content is written with you in mind and most important of all; it makes you stay and browse the site, not just the first page!

If you website content is not oriented towards your site visitor then they will leave, and fast check your page bounce rates if you are not convinced.

You need to focus your page content not only on the product or service you are offering but also promote the benefits of what you offer.

Here are some tips for a website with buzz:

And remember to choose an eye catching design, mediocre isn’t buzzworthy

Make the copy (the words on the page) exciting as well as interesting

Be newsworthy, be doing or offering something different.

Be seen as notable, influential and knowledgeable.

Offer something useful and free.

Look outstanding

Be dynamic

Just be exceptional

Remember to be yourself, your ‘voice’ needs to shine out of your website giving it your own special personality.

Remember to speak to your visitor not at them. They don’t want to be sold something on the first page, they want information. Tell them about how your service or product benefits them, what you can offer them, and how much you can help them achieve their goals.

If you focus on what your site visitor wants then they will stay to find out more, and you may just have found a new customer.

If you focus on ‘selling’ yourself or your products without showing that they are of value to your website visitor, then you will lose your visitors interest and a potential client.