In Washington state you can find the Pacific North West Bridge surrounded by the area's breathtaking scenic beauty. Bungee.Com provides for this location's bungy jumping; if you elect to become a member of their Dangerous Sports Club you will be entitled to special members' discounts for your future trips.

Located in Wisconsin, the Extreme World's sports park has bungy jumping as its main attraction. The Extreme World Bungee Jump tower, at a height of one hundred thirty feet, is currently the only bungy jumping provider in the midwest that allows this sport to be done without the use of traditional ankle harnesses. Your Extreme World bungy jumping experience will have you plummeting toward the ground at a speed that accelerates to forty mph. After your fall has been successfully completed, you will be given the opportunity to purchase a videotape of your experience.

Over the Edge, Inc., in Boise, Idaho, offers bungy jumping for individuals and groups. They have bridge sites in various parts of Idaho, or they will take you on an excursion to any of their nineteen other bungy jump bridges in the western United States. One favorite is the Grand Canyon Jump, located at the northern tip of the Grand Canyon. Another popular bungy jumping experience offered by Over the Edge, Inc., is the one hundred sixty foot jump at Yellowstone National Park.

Wherever you are in the United States, and whichever part of America you would like to be the destination for your bungy jumping, there are plenty of options available.