Third, correlated on physical condition of your home, your home curb appeal is the most important thing. You can do some works to improve appealing of your home exterior. Just to make it beautiful, tidy, and fresh. The color of your home is necceesary to be considered.

Fourth, get your buyer in the right mood by creating a cozy environment in your home. What do I mean by "cozy environment"? Very important is fresh air, clean environment, fresh odor, and the most important is a homelike sitation. Just make a buyer feel like in his own home sweet home.

Fifth, When you get down on the negotiation, your should learn how to make a great offer. The point is, you should be a great win-win negotiator. On the Internet there are many articles about how to be a great communicator and negotiator. Just follow the rules and tips.

Sixth, good presentation of your home selling can add great value to attract a buyer. Know your entire home and its contents, and present it to your buyer. Tell them how sweet your home is, how much you love it, your experience in your home, the great moments you have passed by etc. Just be a familiar and friendly seller that can give much impression to your buyer.