Business journals, or diaries, are an excellent way to record your business growth and progress. They are an excellent planning tool and you should record both what you have done and your ideas about your business in your daily business journal.
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Business journals, or diaries, are an excellent way to record your business growth and progress. Business journals are extremely valuable in providing you with some amazing insight. By recording what you have done you can reflect and see where your time is going, where your growth spurts have occurred, what’s working and what’s not.
Plotting your course in a business journal lets you see opportunities with ease and clarity. It's hard to see what is right in front of us but when you revisit what you did a week or a month ago, your perspective on the situation is often different enough that you can analyze the situation much more effectively.
Business Journal Tips
Use a good old fashioned paper and pencil business journal as opposed to an electronic or online version. It's easy and it's accessible everywhere.
Take five minutes before you go to bed every night and write down three or four sentences and bullet points about what you feel you accomplished that day.
On the back page of your business journal start a business idea log or brainstorm list that addresses two questions: ideas for getting leads and clients and ideas on how to increase service revenue.
By recording this type of information every day you will have a permanent record of what you thought about doing, what you have done, and how successful your ideas were. Your business journal will show you where you have been and it will help you determine where you should do.
The Bottom Line on Business Journals
A business journal allows you to efficiently organize your ideas and record both what you have tried and things you are thinking about trying but haven't quite put on the planning radar screen. At the front of your business journal you'll write three or four sentences every day on what happened to help your business grow and in the back you'll put ideas on where to find more leads and clients and get more services revenue. By using your business journal on a daily basis you will create a powerful tool that helps you get the right perspecive and helps you both operate and grow your business.
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