Career Strategies with Hypnosis: How Hypnosis Can Boost Your Confidence and Improve Your Career

Clinical Hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones discusses how hypnosis and hypnotherapy can give you more ambition, motivation, and confidence to succeed at work.


hypnosis, self hypnosis

Article Body:

Copyright 2006 Steve G. Jones

Competition in any given field of work can be fierce, but some people are finding a competitive edge down a much less traditional road. They are using hypnosis and hypnotherapy to give them more ambition, motivation, and confidence to succeed at work.

There are many different stages that one goes through during the course of their career. Sometimes people jump from one job to another in search of work that is satisfying and fulfills their personal goals. At other times, people may find themselves in an industry they love, but they just don’t have what it takes to progress. It is these same types of people that can benefit the most from hypnosis as a career strategy.

Aside from having the right kind of training and skills, there are other obstacles --internal ones -- that keep many from doing what they love. These include shyness, lack of confidence, low ambition, fear of rejection, low energy, lack of concentration or focus, fear of public speaking and lack of sales skills.

All of these “conditions” or phobias have to do with a feeling or impression. It is a mental image people have of themselves, that is often unfounded. Hypnosis is especially effective in changing these thought patterns that interfere with career advancement. For example, when someone has no ambition, it is often because he or she doesn’t understand or see the reward of going after something important that will benefit them. Hypnosis addresses negative feelings, fears and suppressed, preconceived ideas and replaces them with positive reinforcement.

Past newsletter articles have talked about the hypnosis process that leads one through the steps to change. It all starts with a relaxation process called induction. Next the relaxed feeling is increased in the deepening stage. The script is now ready to be introduced. This is the heart of hypnosis and where the negative thoughts are replaced with positive thoughts that will lead to action. An amnesia stage is next and it allows the hypnotized person to forget on a conscious level what they were told so that the subconscious mind can embrace the message without analytical interference. Finally, the trance is terminated and the hypnosis session ends.

Let’s look at the process using the fear of rejection scenario. Once the person has gone through the induction and deepening stages of hypnosis the script would then instruct them that they have a great deal to contribute to the workplace and the that the opportunities are there for them to seize. If they are passed by for the promotion or new job, it is okay. A better opportunity is waiting. If you do not try for the new job you will never know what might have been and may regret missing the opportunity. This kind of dialog gives encouragement about trying and the message that even if rejection happens, it is not the end of the world. The essential part is to try.

Hypnotherapy or self-hypnosis are both effective in implementing new ideas about career advancement. The significant aspect is that these mental obstacles to success can be overcome through hypnosis.