Computer Monitor Accessories Top My Holiday Gift List

What I really needed - and ultimately found - were computer accessories that actually helped me get and stay organized.


monitor, monitor accessories, computer accessories, computer gifts, sticky notes, copy clips, office accessories, home o

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Although the PC has revolutionized the way we work, live, shop, and play, the promise of a "paperless office" has never materialized. Indeed, having been in the workforce for close to thirty years, it seems as though I had just as much clutter - if not more - in my office as I did before the widespread adoption of the personal computer.

The truth is that papers, sticky notes, business cards, copy clips, and office accessories were strewn around on my desk, and even a desktop organizer or card holder didn't seem to help. Each work day, I found myself searching for a phone number I need, a business card I misplaced, or - worst of all - sticky notes that somehow fell off of my computer monitor and were lost in the detritus, resulting in my forgetting to attend a meeting or missing a deadline.

What I really needed - and ultimately found - were computer accessories that actually helped me get and stay organized. I was overjoyed when I discovered a frame that fit around my PC monitor, and that held all the sticky notes, pictures, and business cards that I wanted or needed close at hand. Better than a desktop organizer, card holder, or any other number of home office accessories, this PC frame allowed me to streamline my workspace and get rid of much of the clutter.

I use the frame around my monitor to slip in a variety of important information. Along one side, I'm able to slide in those annoying sticky notes that would always fall off when I tried to stick them to the my monitor frame or that left residue when I used tape to attach them. I use the sticky notes to remind me of meetings, deadlines, and other "to do's" - and I never have to worry about them falling off. Plus, once I complete a task, it's easy to just slide one out and toss it away.

Along the top of my computer monitor, I use the frame to slip in photos of family members and friends, as well as a wallet-sized calendar. I can see the month at a glance, and every time I look up, the smiling face of my daughter looks back down at me. I love it!

I use the right side of my PC frame for a variety of items, like a list of phone numbers I frequently call, an index card that lists the steps I need to take in order to complete a repetitive task I perform at my job, and business cards from people I recently met and with whom I have to follow up. Again, it's easy to slip the papers in and out of the frame, making it a dynamic tool to help me stay organized.

Because so many of my colleagues have asked about my monitor frame, I've decided to give everyone in my office computer monitor accessories for the holidays. Several of my family members and friends have home businesses, so I'm planning to give computer gifts to them as well. Life is just so much less stressful when the clutter around your computer vanishes and you have everything you need to get the job done within plain sight.