Confessions of a High Paid Tutor!

Tutoring is a career that allows you to design your day around YOUR schedule and work however long or short as you want each day! (This is great when I have to run errands or be there for my family when they need me!)


Tutoring, tutoring Business, Tutor, How to Start a Tutoring Business

Article Body:

My name is Kasey Hammond and I am writing to celebrate my success in finding the perfect career for me.

I was killing myself over a job in which I was giving everything I had. As a Spanish major, I didn't have very much business savvy and was eager to get into the market. This company was eager to hire me as I spoke fluent Spanish and they were looking to launch into the Mexican market.

After two and a half years, I did make it to one of the higher positions in the company but there was no where else to go & I was tired of working away for my rich boss and giving him all of my time and energy.

As I became disenchanted, I made of list of things I liked about my job... and the things I hated. I quickly realized that I was a servant to my job and hated it!


While I didn't like everyone I worked with (I am sure you can relate), I realized I have patience and a willingness to help people and want them to succeed. During this "soul searching" of mine, a close friend happened to tell me about the tutoring business and how she was working part time for a company. And the best part was she was making more money per hour than me and worked whenever she wanted to!

It was as if someone turned a light on for me! I realized I could be a tutor!

Being a tutor had all the benefits that I was looking for... and of course the great money making potential.

Now I don't work 50 hours a week and come home exhausted, grumpy & still carrying around the grief from the current office b.s! Instead I come home energized and with the fulfillment that I have made a difference for someone.

Not only do I view my customers as clients but they are truly friends. I love getting emails or Christmas cards from past students or parents who are just checking in to say hi and give me an update on them.

But unfortunately, it wasn't always this easy. I made several mistakes early on that still make me cringe!

It took me awhile, but I now have my business on auto-pilot and enjoy having clients begging me to be on my waiting list and happily paying my premium rates to work with their children.

Tutoring is a career that allows you to design your day around YOUR schedule and work however long or short as you want each day! (This is great when I have to run errands or be there for my family when they need me!)

I decided to publish an E-book detailing how to start your own tutoring business. I wish I had had this when I was starting my own business! It would have saved me some money and some grief!

My ebook gives you the secret to getting paid UPFRONT for multiple sessions before you even spend one minute actually working! (Your clients will be happy to write you a check for $300, $400, even up to $500 before you even get started!)

• The little known trick to getting teachers to refer all their struggling students to you directly! (This is a little sneaky but works incredibly well!)

• How to stay super busy in the so called slow summer months and actually make more than the busy school months. (This is optional only if you want... or vacation and take your summers off!)

• The #1 blunder new tutors make –- turns clients off like crazy –- and how to avoid it.

• How to market your services online with your own website and have clients calling you to get started! (You'll love getting phone calls with people ready to send you a check!)

• Works with any subject - Even the less popular subjects... it doesn't matter! My system puts money in your pocket whether you're tutoring students who need help with Spanish, History, Chemistry, Math, German, or any other subject!

• 2 Ways to find your first tutoring student even when you don't know anybody.

I made this easy for anyone to use. Once you understand how to use the same tutoring system and techniques that I use, you'll realize that you don't need any more special skills besides your specialized knowledge to get amazing results.

Tutoring is a wonderful career for so many people. It allows so much flexibility and the ability to make an hourly rate that truly equals what you are worth. You choose where you want to work, you determine your availability, the people you want to work with., your hourly rate and you choose the subject you want to teach! The time is right for you to reach out and start your own tutoring business and make a difference in someone’s life.