FREE Tips For Making Money with Your Business Opportunity.

How do you turn your business opportunity into a success story? Other Work-at-home parents are making it happen and so can you.


business opportunity, career kits, moms, work-at-home moms, stay-at-home moms

Article Body:

You read about those in your upline who are making a really good income. You hear about others who are in different types of business opportunities who are millionaires. HOW DO THEY DO IT, and can you do the same thing?

What's they key to making the big bucks via a business opportunity? I interviewed three WAHM’s who have found success and are willing to share their secrets.

Beth York, Independent Educational Consultant for Usborne ( books is in the top 50 consultants in the company for 3 months in a row. Last month her net sales landed her at 10th in the company for sales among consultants. Beth is nearing a goal of hers: to win a trip to London, England. If things keep going the way they are, Beth will be promoted to supervisor in the next couple of months. "This was a goal of mine from the beginning, but I didn't think it would happen this fast," says Beth.

Beth's Tips

#1 - I believe I have been successful because I truly have a passion for Usborne Books. I saw how much my daughter, Hannah, loved them when she was only 20 months old and I knew there had to be something to these books. They [the books] draw you in, make you want to read the material and help you to retain it for life. My seven-year-old nephew never shows any sign of wanting to read a book unless there is an Usborne book around, then it's, "Can we read it one more time?"

#2 - I also believe I have had success because I have the right motives. I really want to help people find the right books for whatever their need is. When my music teacher/sister ordered the Piano Course Books 1 and 2 for her elementary school, I wasn't thinking, "Yeah for me, I made a sale!" but rather, "Oh, I'm so glad Pam found exactly what she needed. I know her students will love these books and they will be more excited to play music." Of course, the sale and the commission was also exciting, but that was truly not the first thing that came to my mind."

Bonnie Ansel is a stay at home mom of three children. She has tried everything to make ends meet, from cleaning apartments, ironing for 75 cents a shirt, and then day care for friends. One day a friend mentioned natural supplements for her son who was on Ritalin for ADHD. She scraped together the money and gave them a try, and in just 2 weeks saw a huge difference. "I told everyone, so I "accidentally" got started in my own home-based business just by referrals," explains Bonnie.

Bonnie's Tips:

#1 - Goals & Values: What is your why for your business? Write it you believe it? Is it to stay at home with your children? Become debt free? Help others? As in anything in life, there will be times when you wonder, "Why am I doing this?" If you have it down on paper where you can see it, this will encourage you to pursue your goals.

#2 - Become a "Listener". Really listen, don't try to convince others your product or service is the best. Listen to what they need. If you can't offer it, make a suggestion. I have people contact me frequently about my opportunity. When I "listen", I learn that sometimes they are looking to work for someone and get an hourly paycheck. Then I need to refer them to another person.

#3 - Be Honest! I cannot stress this enough. Being honest about the opportunity you have to offer is a must. Don't give a lot of hype. Go over start-up costs, etc. Treat others as you would want to be treated.

#4 - Attitude is everything! If you don't have a good attitude, stay off the phone. Don't answer emails, call someone who will listen, and offer suggestions.

#5 - "Be" When you are with your children, husband, family, or friends, "Be there". Don't be thinking about your business. Enjoy your times together.

#6 - Are you having FUN? If you're not having fun at the business you are doing, then it's not for you.

Julie Fritz is a sales director with Discovery Toys. Below you'll be able to read her tips on success. She knows she has become successful because she has stayed focused on the ideas listed. She also keeps in close contact with her team to let them know what is going on and to keep them tracking. "I keep my team motto in mind at all times -- When you succeed, I am successful!" This positive attitude about our products and our opportunity has allowed me to show people the true potential and has recruited many new consultants and developed a great customer base," explains Julie.

Julie's Tips:

#1 - Look really hard at what you want to get from your business. Write these things down. Then look through these goals and determine what you can do in 3 months, 6 months, a year, and long term. Write the goals in the appropriate month/year place. Then, take the 3 month goals and break them down to monthly, weekly, and daily goals. Then...the most important part...JUST DO IT!!

#2 - Don't give up on your goals. Some days things just won't go your way...don't stop working your "Goal Plan" because of one or two bad days. Getting through these calls, appointments, paperwork, etc., gets you one step closer to getting the sale, new consultant, or promotion you are shooting for. Some days it will take a few hours to reach your goal...some days it will take a few minutes...but if you stay focused on the ultimate goal, you will achieve it.

#3 - Attitude is everything. I did put up a little sign in my office, on the fridge, and on the mirror in the bathroom that says "You make it happen!" This is right next to my goal sheet...posted in all of the above places. I wake up every morning and I read my goals while I brush my teeth, put on makeup, do my hair, etc. At the end...I always tell myself, "I make it happen!" Then I go down and get to work...with my brain working overtime to figure out how to make my goals happen. Your mind is amazing...much like a get out what you put in. So put in good stuff that makes you feel excited about your life, your business, and your future!

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