Some experienced bungee jumpers may want to start their own club. However, this is a big endeavor, and they should consider all of the steps necessary to start a club before they get started. Just a few of the things needed will be considered here.
First, in order to start a bungee jumping club, you would want to write and document your 'business plan', so-to-speak. This would document your project and would provide something for you to give out to prospective investors and concerned government agencies. You will need to acquire financing in order to pay for equipment, insurance, experienced crew, jump location, etc. Once contracts are in place for the crew, location, etc., you will want to get any needed governmental permits. Once all the paperwork is in place, you can begin construction of your jump site. After testing with sandbags, and your crew, you will finally be ready to start promoting your bungee jumping club. As you can see, these are only an overview of the steps required. Even this short list presents a formidable task to starting a club.
It is probably best to start by joining an existing bungee jumping club, and drawing from their experience while you grow your own experience. This would provide the springboard needed to launch your own bungee jumping club in the future.