During the Christmas season, summer and its body-conscious state of mind

Whether it's sharing cookies and candies at work, or having an evening out

at a party or dinner, you can have Christmas food and enjoy it. While you seem

to be eating heartily with a smile, the key is to have a secret strategy of

moderation. It involves sticking to a plan that can be called 'Eating on a


'Eating on a Budget' is not about the cost of what is eaten, but about the

quantity of what is eaten. It is important that a 'budget' or eating in

moderation plan is developed because it is almost impossible to avoid exposure

to a lot of cookies, candies and other sweets at Christmas. At work, you may

risk appearing like the Grinch who stole Christmas if your response will always

be something like, 'Uh..no..bah humbug' all the time that some Christmas goodies

are offered. It will seem as if you aren't in the spirit of the holidays

especially since at that time of year everyone is usually in a festive and more

relaxed mood, and the pace at work is usually slower.

A practical way to partake in Christmas goodies, for example, is to

substitute some holiday cookies for say the bagel that you usually have with

breakfast or for a mid-morning snack. And instead of just taking one cookie,

from the platter, which is noticeable and likely will encourage a colleague to

tell you to have more, take three instead. That's where the plan can come into

play. You can then enjoy the cookies over two or more hours, because nobody will

be watching how you really eat. You can always have a few candies, one cookie or

a cookie and a half by your desk and that way it will seem as if you are

heartily enjoying the holiday treats.

Another strategy is to bring - bake or buy - low calorie Christmas cookies

and candies to work to counteract others that are being offered. Since eating

healthy is highly encouraged, health-conscious cookies will not be looked down

upon so long as they taste great. A box of sugar-free Christmas chocolate

candies for example will look just as delightful as regular chocolate candies.

It's interesting to note that in a poll sponsored by the National Confectioners

Association in 2004, chocolate was the favorite food gift that Americans said

they preferred to receive for the holidays. The lowly and much maligned fruit

cake was last on the list. The second favorite holiday food gift was a fruit

basket and a plate of cookies was third on the list, according to the


For an occasion such as a Christmas party or a dinner, including Christmas

Dinner, where larger quantities and selection of food is available, the 'Eating

on a Budget' plan means that serving portions and the choice of food selected

should be carefully watched.

At a party where more desserts and sweets are likely to be available, a few of

the selections can be sampled. If the urge to try everything can't be resisted,

then do so, but then second helpings have to be severely limited. The same is

somewhat true for Christmas Dinners. One big difference is that the food served

during Christmas Dinner will be heavier, so by selecting portions wisely, one

can always say truthfully that the stomach is full.

And indeed, after a sumptuous Holiday Dinner, your body is likely to be full

from food and your soul full of joy from sharing another memorable holiday

tradition with family, friends and loved ones.