Finally, keep in mind that intelligent cellular phone usage include keeping in mind cellular phone etiquette. Cellular phone etiquette do not just give your cellular phone personality, cellular phone etiquette exhibits your personality, the users personality is more important that your phone having personality. Even if your phone do not include such high technology and innovative features, if you can turn off your phone during meetings and avoid having to annoy the other person in front of you, you are exhibiting a personally that is intrinsic in you.

If you exhibit cellular phone etiquette, even without cellular phone wallpapers, you will get all the benefits of this modern day gadget. You may even get the respect from other users, if you respect them they will not use their phone unethically that may annoy you. It is a two-way traffic, if you exhibit telephone etiquette, the people around you will do the same. Moreover, you do not need cellular phone wallpapers to gain respect from exhibiting telephone etiquette.