Don't Read This Article - I Dare You!

See? It worked! The title said 'Don't Read This Article - I Dare You!', and here you are reading it anyway. Victory for me and my amazing psychic abilities?


Actually, this Maiden Voyage article of The Don't Chronicles has but one goal: to teach you the power of negative thinking! No, I don't mean that you should give up on your positive attitude. I mean that people don't like to be told "DON'T!"

Think about it. Why did you read this article? Defiance? Curiosi...


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Article Body:

See? It worked! The title said 'Don't Read This Article - I Dare You!', and here you are reading it anyway. Victory for me and my amazing psychic abilities?


Actually, this Maiden Voyage article of The Don't Chronicles has but one goal: to teach you the power of negative thinking! No, I don't mean that you should give up on your positive attitude. I mean that people don't like to be told "DON'T!"

Think about it. Why did you read this article? Defiance? Curiosity? Don't like being told what to do - or NOT do?

These are the same emotions that people will experience when you tell them "Don't buy my product", "Don't use my services", "Don't visit my website".

They will say things like "I don't care WHO that person thinks they are! I'll buy the product, use the service, or visit the website if I want to; I don't care what they say!"

They will think "I wonder what is so special about that product, service, or website that this person is willing to risk losing his or her audience by telling them not to participate?"

You don't have to have the "Next Big Thing", or have some "Incredible New" product in order to get someone interested. Instead, just get them interested!

Tell them that they don't want to look into your services or products. They don't need to read your information-packed website. They don't want to spend time learning about how your product or service could help them.

Do you know what their first question is going to be when you tell them these things? "Why Not??"

Now you've picqued their interest! Now they want to learn more. They want to learn about this top-secret product they weren't supposed to know about. They want to see this website that you told them not to bother visiting. They want to find out why your services are so in-demand that you can afford to tell people NOT to use them!

Human beings are people, and people are curious, and people don't like being told what to do. This isn't Sales and Marketing 101. This is Human Nature. If you want to sell your products and services to humans, you need to learn how humans think.

Or Don't. I don't really care anyway. I've obviously piqued YOUR interest, or you wouldn't have read this far!

DON'T check out the rest of The Don't Chronicles! After all, no one could possibly have a point of view or a unique way of dealing with life that you haven't already thought of, right?